Membership Community

Level Up Your Art Business With A Community of Fellow Career-Minded Creatives

Find Your Focus and Take Inspired Action - It isn't about piling more on your plate, it’s about focusing on the things that will actually make a difference and level up your art career.

Balance Your Creative and Business Practices (While Keeping Your Sanity!) - This is a space where we work together to see the big picture, and take a holistic approach in order to build a strong and sustainable foundation for your creative business.

Show Up In A Way That Feels Right For You - Learn how to leverage technology and social media to show up as your authentic self, share content that tells your story, and connect with your target audience.

Save Yourself Time On Your Creative Journey - Instead of scrolling through hours of content trying to piece together a cohesive strategy for your creative business, learn from successful artists and industry professionals who have learned first hand what it takes to thrive in today’s art world.  

Join a Community that Shares It Forward - Find support and accountability in an ever-evolving membership that values community over competition, and connect with fellow creatives who share similar goals and challenges.

What is The Level Up Artists Community?

This monthly membership will transform your art business and help you level up through access to a community of goal-driven creatives, advice from industry professionals, and course modules that cover everything from social media and technology, to sustainable studio practices.

When you join, you will have instant access to…

Over 12+ Hours of Live Call Records

✓ Over 12+ Hours of Focused Educational Content

  • Websites and Newsletters

  • Art Business Documents

  • Social Media Marketing Tools + Strategy

✓ Over 25+ PDF Documents

  • Resources, Spreadsheets, Trackers, and more!

✓ A Community of Career Minded Creatives Who Value Collaboration and Sharing Resources to Help Save Others Time!

Join a Community that Shares It Forward - Find support and accountability in an ever-evolving membership that values community over competition, and connect with fellow creatives who share similar goals and challenges.

Save Yourself Time and Let’s Level Up!